...the final concert of the Park Avenue Armory’s Artists Studio series, curated by pianist, composer, and 2010 MacArthur Fellow Jason Moran...
2002 MacArthur Fellow & Artistic Director of the International Contemporary Ensemble George Lewis, composer:
Blombos Workshop (2020) for piano
Assemblage (2013) for nonet
National Endowment for the Arts 2024 Jazz Master Amina Claudine Myers, composer/performer:
Stay In The Light, part-notated/part-improvised performance piece for quartet
Amina Claudine Myers: piano, organ, voice
Actress/vocalist/playwright Richarda Abrams: voice
Jerome Harris: acoustic bass guitar, guitar, voice
Reggie Nicholson: drums, voice
Monday, December 18, 7:00 PM; $65 plus fees
Veterans Room
Park Avenue Armory
643 Park Avenue (bet. East 66th & 67th Streets)
New York NY 10065
Info: (212) 616-3930; https://www.armoryonpark.org/programs_events/detail/artists_studio_lewis_myers